I subscribe to Gaia TV and always find their programs fascinating. Last night I was watching Beyond Belief and the UFO Researcher Grant Cameron was being interviewed about the research he has done regarding music, musicians and UFO contact. He discovered that many musicians have had UFO contact and have even attributed the words of their songs and their melodies to "otherworldly" contact. He even discovered that whole bands had been abducted--he mentioned the Moody Blues were one of the bands that claimed they had been abducted.
Cameron stated that we are being guided by star people and that they influence our daily lives. Apparently they are connected with what we might call our intuition and our creativity. That when we are in the process of creation/creating, we are actually connecting with the star beings and they are giving us the music to influence us to grow into higher consciousness.
As I sat listening to his words I thought of my own experiences in waking up with a poem or even a phrase that I knew I had to share with others. Cameron stated that throughout time we have been guided by the star beings and have called them angels or ascended Masters etc, but they are actually star beings that live at a different level of consciousness from us. And he affirmed that our consciousness does not live in our brains, it is the whole Universe.
What struck me most with what Cameron stated was that I knew that the belief the ancient Celts held that all creativity--music, art, dance, etc. came from the Otherworld really confirmed for me what he was saying. The Celts knew this thousands of years ago. Their poets and bards were held in the highest of esteem. The poets studied for years to receive the golden branch, the highest award for a poet. They studied in darkened huts to receive the inspiration, the imbas, from the Otherworld. "imbas"--In Old Irish imbas means "inspiration", and specifically refers to the sacred poetic inspiration believed to be possessed by the fili (Old Iri inspired, visionary poets) in Early Ireland. It means illuminated or that which illuminates.
I had a student in one of my classes ask me if I ever thought about why we sleep. She was asking this from the space of how crazy this is in our life that suddenly everyone is in bed sleeping and our world pretty much shuts down and what is the real purpose of this? I've asked myself that same question over the years. We all know how important our dreams are and how helpful dreamwork can be in our lives. I like the idea that our dreamtime may be our star ancestors contacting us to "fill our heads" with the needed information to grow in consciousness.
The ancient Celts knew the importance of this connection to the Otherworld. Let us be aware when we move into those creative spaces and we wake up in the morning with songs and melodies and poems and new ideas that it just may be our star ancestors communicating with us to make the world a better place by raising and expanding our own consciousness. I think I will wake up each morning with a prayer of gratitude for their night time guidance.
May your hearts be open and your dreams filled with inspiration,
May the Mothers expand your heart to be filled with the returning light of love,
May you hold the knowledge of the star ancestors in your heart and know you are never alone,
We are One!
Blessings of the new light of love and compassion,